Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Day 1 - starting to get Noah used to his new helmet

Gosh, what an interesting day. I felt quite glum this morning as I put Noah's helmet on for the first time. His head becomes a cold block when I cuddle him and felt that he would think we were being horrible to him. But do you know what, he just took it in his stride. There were a few grumbles as I put it on and he grabbed it a bit - feeling it and I guess just becoming accustomed to it. He also lost his balance a few times and toppled to the side or back, thankfully there were plenty of cushions in place! Other than that, he carried on as normal playing and testing out his voice!

So today, we had to do an hour on and then an hour off, and not on for napping or sleeping. So as the day worked out, he had it on for just under 3.5 hours.

 These were taken during his first wear of the day, I even managed to get a cheeky little smile!

This footage was taken after his second wear, you can see his head got quite hot - I am told that this will get better as his body becomes used to the helmet. You can also see where it has pressed into his face. Again, the material inside the helmet will compress a little as it moulds to his face so this shouldn't be a permanent thing.

These two photos were taken a little later in the day, his head seems to be tilted to the side a bit more than usual. I guess he has to not only get used to the feel but also the weight of it (it's about 360grams).

I cleaned the helmet out after each wear (with special solution the clinic provide) as he did get rather hot. After his last wear of the day, you could see clearly which parts of the helmet are touching his head and which are not. The areas that need to be held were sweaty and the areas that need to grow were not. Amazing how they make the helmets, you do wonder if you have it on quite right and if there is space in there for his skull to grow and move, but this for me was the proof.

After dinner, Noah had a lovely long bath, he didn't want to get out tonight. We then enjoyed lots of cuddles before popping him into his cot.

Tomorrow he will wear the helmet for two hours and then one off, again no napping or sleeping in it. We also have our first trip out with his helmet to Baby Boppers - bit nervous. I don't know if other parents will ask about it or stare. It will be interesting to see what reception we get as you just don't see them on babies! Are they that uncommon or do parents take them off in public? I thought once we started looking into them we would see them everywhere, but we haven't. So it will be an interesting day I think!

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