We then attempted getting him dressed for the first time. I was unsure we would be able to get his long sleeved body over his head, but it was not a problem and he was dressed in no time. Looking very sweet (as always!) he was ready to face his first public appearance!
Baby Boppers went very well, Noah and I met with friends (Tracy and Jessie) beforehand, so we were in a nice little group when we arrived. No-one seemed to take any notice and the only comment we got was "Cool crash-helmet". So my nerves quickly settled and we had a great time, especially during the spaceman song - I wonder if he felt like an astronaut with his helmet on!! :)
Today we were on a two hour on, one hour off schedule with Noah's helmet (no naps or sleeps yet). He took to the additional time really well and the hours seemed to fly by very quickly. Before we knew it, two hours had passed and we could take it off. Again, he seemed quite hot with it even with less clothes on. I'm sure this will calm down though.
He was a little grumbly today, but I think it was teeth rather than his helmet. His first two teeth popped through last week and I think more are closely following. Bless him, he was a man on the edge this afternoon, anything would bring on the tears!
He did enjoy his play date with Jessie though. He had a lovely time exploring all her toys and then her face! I think Jessie was quite taken with his helmet and can be seen admiring it in the photos below!
Rachel, the consutlant at The London Orthontic Consultancy, said that these intial days with the helmet were all about getting Noah acclimatised to the helmet and to give us practice at getting it on and off. I realised today that it is also a great way to get us used to him wearing it too. It is really quite strange seeing him in it and cuddles are so different. I know it is for the best but it is hard. I don't want to wish time away, but already I am looking forward to our first appointment to see how he is doing as any good news will really spur us on.
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